The first version of Zack Zero for PC was released with GAME videogame stores, as a launch game of its new digital platform. We decided to redo all the marketing images and create new ones that give a different feel to that drawings we made for the PS3 version.
This time I used the real-time models of the game as a starting point, rendered several layers with different light settings(direct light, secondary light, rim light and ambient occlusion) and used Photoshop to compose, add details and effects and paint some things, especially Zack face.
The models in real time on Zack Zero was created by Javier “Doses” López


Más adelante tuvimos que crear diferentes versiones de la portada, tanto para lanzar en Steam como en los diferentes bundles en los que Zack Zero ha aparecido.

Esta es la imagen que finalmente no se utilizó para Steam, ya que al final se simplificó y utilizamos una versión más sencilla.

Esta última portada es la utilizada en el bundle “The Prairie Dog” de Indie Royale.